Tuesday 11 December 2018


PREP 02 MUSIC & NEWS question 5: How is media language used to reflect the genre conventions of a music magazine? Make bullet points below the magazine cover.

  • The group the all saints take up the majority of the page, and they are shown to be standing upright staring directly at the camera, showing that they are, similar the magazine, very serious and also very confident and have nothing to hide. This is emphasised in the tagline 'we didn't conform to the rules' showing they don't care what people think and they will do things in their own style.
  • The layout in this magazine is very formal, almost like it is in columns.The cover lines are also then very balanced and in orderly positions once again connoting a feeling of seriousness.
  • The colour scheme is very simple consisting mainly of black and white, this connoting a feeling of professionalism.
  • This feeling of professionalism is further emphasised by the writing and font which is in serif sans and is orderly and neatly placed in places on the magazine, not overlapping anything.
  • There are many different artists on the magazine each of being completely different style and different genders, this showing the diversity that this magazine offers for their audience.

1 comment:

  1. In the exam, they won't mix layout issues (like font and colour) with representation issues (like how the band come across). However, you have done well here.
    5 out of 5 marks
