Saturday 9 March 2019


PREP Write freely about the house style of Clash music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians are represented, layout, font, colour and so on.

The clash magazine has a very simple and orderly layout with minimal writing and the only writing being in large bold letters. This connotes a feeling of sophistication and makes the magazine seem quite serious. This also tells us that the reader is someone who takes their interest in music very seriously and is very appreciative of it. A large range of musicians are shown, each with different genres, showing that the magazine and its readers are very diverse.

The mast head is always in the top centre of the magazine and is written in bold and in most cases is white. This allows it to stand out and makes it easily recognisable for viewers because it stands out. The main splashes all consist of very well known artists such as: Travis Scott, Zayn and the 1975. Here the magazine is using celebrity endorsement, as the reader will be enticed by such well known artists.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 7 out of 10
    Perceptive comments on CLASH's house style but I would use terms like 'pared down, minimalist, clean, uncluttered' rather than 'simple'. Aim to employ the word 'connotes' such as in 'the orderly, minimalist style connotes seriousness'.
    Instead of 'minimal writing' use the correct terminology 'few cover lines'.
    Comment on more detail in general: that there is only one central image, that the musicians are mostly represented in an artistic, avant garde, unusual way. Some of the issue numbers 'tumble'.
    Introduce terms for fonts such as sans serif.
